Friday, August 20, 2010

Roger Clemens

Poor Roger Clemens. It's bad enough to be exposed as a steroid user. And it's even worse to be caught lying about it (as it appears he has been). But the worst thing, from my perspective, is being accused of lying to Congress. I mean, that shouldn't even be a crime, should it? I thought you had to be a pretty damn good liar just to get into Congress. Imagine going to jail for doing something that nearly every other person in the room gets paid to do.

When it comes to lying to Congress, Clemens is a small-time perp. The big fish never get charged. Why haven't Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke been investigated for the whoppers they told the world in front of Congress in July 2008? I watched both of them swear that Fannie and Freddie were "sound" and "well capitalized" just months before they completely collapsed. I knew they were lying and told you so at the time. What do you think is more important to our country... No. 1: On the record comments by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve about the solvency of government-backed financial institutions that were $10 trillion in debt and owned or guaranteed 50% of the mortgages in the United States? Or No. 2.: Whether or not Roger Clemens used steroids?
Porter Stansberry

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