Monday, May 16, 2011

Ponzi Finance Part 2

Ponzi Finance Part 2


In an online edition of the WSJ we read an interview with Stanley Druckenmiller, a legendary investor. Mr. Druckenmiller is of the same opinion of me, which is that the profligate spending of the US Congress is out of control and Bernanke’s Fed is simply aiding it along.
Below are a few highlights but the full article can be found here
The moment couldn't be better to consult Mr. Druckenmiller, who almost never gives interviews but is willing to speak up now because he thinks that fears about using the debt-limit as a bargaining chip for spending cuts are overblown—and misunderstand the bond market. "The Treasury borrowing committee letter speaks about catastrophic financial crises, comparing it to Fannie and Freddie. That's not what we're talking about here," he says.

He contemplates the possibilities for bond investors if a drawn-out negotiation in Washington creates a short-term problem in servicing the debt but ultimately reduces spending:

"Here are your two options: piece of paper number one—let's just call it a 10-year Treasury. So I own this piece of paper. I get an income stream obviously over 10 years . . . and one of my interest payments is going to be delayed, I don't know, six days, eight days, 15 days, but I know I'm going to get it. There's not a doubt in my mind that it's not going to pay, but it's going to be delayed. But in exchange for that, let's suppose I know I'm going to get massive cuts in entitlements and the government is going to get their house in order so my payments seven, eight, nine, 10 years out are much more assured," he says.

Then there's "piece of paper number two," he says, under a scenario in which the debt limit is quickly raised to avoid any possible disruption in payments. "I don't have to wait six, eight, or 10 days for one of my many payments over 10 years. I get it on time. But we're going to continue to pile up trillions of dollars of debt and I may have a Greek situation on my hands in six or seven years. Now as an owner, which piece of paper do I want to own? To me it's a no-brainer. It's piece of paper number one."

…Mr. Druckenmiller says that markets know the difference between a default in which a country will not repay its debts and a technical default, in which investors may have to wait a short period for a particular interest payment. Under the second scenario, he doubts that investors such as the Chinese government would sell their Treasury debt and take losses on the way out—"because I'll guarantee you people like me will buy it immediately."

Now suppose, Mr. Druckenmiller adds, that he's wrong. If the market implodes on day two of the technical default, Mr. Obama and Congress would be motivated to finally come to agreement. But he doesn't expect such market chaos. "My guess is that the bond market would rally as long as it believed the ultimate outcome was going to be genuine entitlement reform—that we wouldn't even have to find out about a meltdown because it wouldn't happen. And I have some history on my side here."

…Mr. Druckenmiller had already recognized that the government had embarked on a long-term march to financial ruin. So he publicly opposed the hysterical warnings from financial eminences, similar to those we hear today. He recalls that then-Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin warned that if the political stand-off forced the government to delay a debt payment, the Treasury bond market would be impaired for 20 years.

"Excuse me? 
Russia had a real default and two or three years later they had all-time low interest rates," says Mr. Druckenmiller. In the future, he says, "People aren't going to wonder whether 20 years ago we delayed an interest payment for six days. They're going to wonder whether we got our house in order."

…Mr. Druckenmiller is puzzled that so many financial commentators see the possible failure to raise the debt ceiling as more serious than the possibility that the government will accumulate too much debt. "I'm just flabbergasted that we're getting all this commentary about catastrophic consequences, including from the chairman of the Federal Reserve, about this situation but none of these guys bothered to write letters or whatever about the real situation which is we're piling up trillions of dollars of debt."
He's particularly puzzled that Mr. Geithner and others keep arguing that spending shouldn't be cut, and yet the White House has ruled out reform of future entitlement liabilities—the one spending category Mr. Druckenmiller says you can cut without any near-term impact on the economy.
…Some have argued that since investors are still willing to lend to the Treasury at very low rates, the government's financial future can't really be that bad. "Complete nonsense," Mr. Druckenmiller responds. "It's not a free market. It's not a clean market." The Federal Reserve is doing much of the buying of Treasury bonds lately through its "quantitative easing" (QE) program, he points out. "The market isn't saying anything about the future. It's saying there's a phony buyer of $19 billion of Treasurys a week."

Warming to the topic, he asks, "When do you generally get action from governments? When their bond market blows up." But that isn't happening now, he says, because the Fed is "aiding and abetting" the politicians' "reckless behavior."

"I think technical default would be horrible," he says from the 24th floor of his midtown Manhattan office, "but I don't think it's going to be the end of the world. It's not going to be catastrophic. What's going to be catastrophic is if we don't solve the real problem," meaning Washington's spending addiction.
With last week’s Treasury auctions settling Monday (today), the game is afoot.
Trade well and follow the trend, not the so-called “experts.”
Behold the age of infinite moral hazard! On April 2nd, 2009 CONgress forced FASB to suspend rule 157 in favor of deceitful accounting for the TBTF banksters.

Theodore Roosevelt

Quote Of The Day
“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered
 by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,
 because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
--Theodore Roosevelt--

Tuesday, May 10, 2011




Last Friday’s monthly NFP data wasn’t the only piece of news that hit the tape.  By Friday’s last trade the indices had closed unchanged or barely positive because more news from Greece was rattling the European banking sector: if it didn’t get lower bailout rates pronto Greece it threatening to leave the European Union, which would lead to a default of its debt.
The “rumor” was made in a German newspaper that claimed a meeting was being held over the weekend to fashion a solution.  When confronted about this rumor, all high ranking European officials denied the meeting was taking place.  Moreover, they claimed the very idea was crazy.
As it turns out, the German newspaper was correct and the European officials flatly lied about the matter.
An earlier example of lying is found here and concerned the Portugal bailout
On March 29, when speculation swirled that Portugal needed a bailout, Prime Minister Jose Socrates denied — again — that that would happen despite clearly unsustainable market pressures.

"I'm sick of saying we won't" be requesting help, he told journalists.

Just eight days later, in a chastened appearance on national television, Socrates did just that.

For Jean-Claude Juncker, the prime minister of Luxembourg, the threat of immediate market turbulence means the usual norms of transparency don't apply.
"When it becomes serious, you have to lie," Juncker, who as the chairman of the regular meetings of eurozone finance ministers is one of the currency union's key spokesmen, said in recent remarks.

Was the threat of Greece leaving the EU serious?  Yes.  Was a resulting default serious? You betcha!  And what happens “When it becomes serious…?”  According to Mr. Juncker, “you have to LIE.”
Regarding the secret meeting that was denied we read here
So why the lie?
“I was told to say there was no meeting,” said Mr. Schuller, reached by telephone Monday. “We had certain necessities to consider.” (Mr. Schuller is the spokesman for Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker.)
Such as?
Evening in Europe is midday in the United States. “We had Wall Street open at that point in time,” Mr. Schuller said. The euro was falling on the Spiegel report, which had overhyped the meeting. “There was a very good reason to deny that the meeting was taking place.” It was, he said, “self-preservation.”
If someone were to say that this market is rigged; would you think he is a crack pot?  There are many examples to be sure but this is a beauty: (paraphrased) Wall Street was open and we sure can’t allow reality to ever affect to market.  No sir – just LIE!
I wonder how “serious” the upcoming situation will be regarding the US debt ceiling.  I wonder if Tax-Cheatin-Timmy will lie as well.  Surely the lil-ole stock market will be open and equities may fall, so be prepared for an avalanche of lies from everyone.
Trade well and follow the trend, not the so-called “experts.”
Behold the age of infinite moral hazard! On April 2nd, 2009 CONgress forced FASB to suspend rule 157 in favor of deceitful accounting for the TBTF banksters.

Friday, May 6, 2011




  For a while during Thursday’s trade, the market got it’s @$$ kicked – early, then again late.  Apparently the market was “surprised” by the surprisingly bad employment picture that was snapped last week.
Weekly unemployment data was supposed to be 410,000; however, it was shockingly worse at 474,000.  Moreover, the prior week’s data was once again revised WORSE than originally reported.
Bloomberg said the following, Initial claims came in at 474,000 in the April 30 week for an astounding contrast with expectations of 410,000 (prior week revised slightly upward to 431,000). The four-week average jumped 22,250 to 431,250 which shows a nearly 40,000 increase from a month ago.

Special factors or not, headline levels are startling especially ahead of tomorrow's monthly employment report where expectations were already weakening. Stocks are on the decline in reaction to the data.

In addition to that, oil futures were CRUSHED today.  The first thought of most people is: what will happen to gasoline prices at the pump?  Of course, this is quite rational.  However, the first thought of traders is: how many margin calls will this liquidation cause and how many equities will be sold to meet them?  
Keep that last thought in mind if commodities get slaughtered.
Trade well and follow the trend, not the so-called “experts.”
Behold the age of infinite moral hazard! On April 2nd, 2009 CONgress forced FASB to suspend rule 157 in favor of deceitful accounting for the TBTF banksters.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hayek vs Keynes Part II

Hayek vs Keynes Part II


Several months ago I attached a link of an excellent video in which two actors rap economics.  It sounds silly but it is both educational and very entertaining.  One actor takes the persona of John Maynard Keynes, while the other is F.A. Hayek.  
In the video Keynes explains why is big government spending model is proper to “steer” the economy; however, F.A. Hayek (in my opinion) destroys that preposterous idea telling us how it only leads to worse problems.  
The video from EconStories can be found here
In an equally entertaining follow up, EconStories brings back the two economists with a 2008 meltdown perspective.  Notice who gets knocked out in the end…but is declared the victor!  
A perfect example of this would the finances of Japan.  Following the Keynesian model of non-stop government spending, the Japanese government is about to cross the ONE QUADRILLION Yen debt level.  Spending these Yen has done nothing to stop the Japanese deflation; however, it sure has racked up an insane level of debt that must be repaid.  
Because economists are like politicians in the sense that they feel like they must “do something” to steer the economy, the clear epic failure of the policies are ignored.  What’s more, they continue to be proposed going into the future…as if Keynes had actually won a boxing match with F.A. Hayek.
Notice who congratulates Keynes regardless of his failure: banksters, politicians and reporters.  F.A. Hayek is congratulated by everyone else.
Trade well and follow the trend, not the so-called “experts.”
Behold the age of infinite moral hazard! On April 2nd, 2009 CONgress forced FASB to suspend rule 157 in favor of deceitful accounting for the TBTF banksters.